We are committed to providing the Ultimate Paintball Experience:Whether you've had years of experience or never played before, our super-friendly staff is here to help.
We are constantly improving on and changing the fields, facilities, and scenarios. Nature's ever-changing landscape always makes for new and challenging play.
We strive for everyone to have fun, and to never have the same APE Experience twice.
Paintball Field
Woodsball, Speedball, MagFed, Mech and Pump
If it's Paintball, you'll find it HERE
Airsoft Field
If MilSpec loadouts and TacGear are what you are into, then Airsoft is for you. Urban and Wooded landscapes

Who Are We
Playing paintball since the 1990's and working in the industry for just as long, we have seen a lot, and done a lot. From Rec play to the Pro level, from backyard games to 4,000 player Scenarios. We bring our experience to the local level to give you the Experience you've been looking for.

What We Do
Airsoft * Paintball * Scenarios * MagFed * *Mechanical * Pump * Tournaments * Groups * *Parties * Fundraisers